Worship Service & Bible Classes
Bible Class: 9:30 – 10:15 a.m.
Worship: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Bible Class: 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Monthly Youth Service
We dedicate the first Sunday evening of each month to preparing young men for leading worship and young ladies for acts of service. The young men prepare and practice leading songs and reading scriptures, often receiving guidance and instruction from older men. Our young ladies usually gather at a member’s home for the afternoon, to work together on preparing lunch, engaging in service activities, and enjoying their time together.
We extend a warm invitation to come worship with us at 5pm each first Sunday as our gifted young men lead the church through the evening worship. As these young leaders share powerful scriptures, insightful lessons, and moving songs, we get a glimpse of the bright future ahead for the church. See you there!

Regular Activities & Events
At WBCCC, we place great importance on our thriving youth group and continually seek new ways to engage, educate, and foster spiritual growth among the youth. They actively participate in the Texas Bible Bowl, engage in regional events with other churches, and attend Camp Bandina and other summer camps.
Other traditions at WBCCC include singing nights held on the last Wednesday of every month and potluck fellowship meals on each fifth Sunday of the month.
Missions & Outreach
While many Christians discover WBCCC through the church’s website and online searches for nearby churches, the church also actively works to evangelize the local community through Facebook, World Bible School, and especially our personal relationships.
In addition to local efforts, WBCCC supports Louis Bassay’s mission work in Cameroon, regularly contributes to the Southern Africa Bible College (SABC), and has supported students in the Adventures in Missions (AIM) program.
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